The Cochrane US Network works to promote evidence-based decision making in medicine, public health, and healthcare in the US by producing high-quality systematic and evidence reviews, supporting and building capacity for systematic review authors, training current and potential users of Cochrane Reviews, and forging collaborative partnerships for policy and guidance. The US Network also collaborates with clinicians, professional associations, policymakers, patients, healthcare provider organizations, and the media to encourage the dissemination and use of Cochrane evidence.
Cochrane US is just one of multiple global geographic Cochrane member networks. Cochrane is a global independent network of researchers, professionals, patients, carers and people interested in health. Cochrane produces systematic reviews of research and evidence in healthcare and health policy which are published in The Cochrane Library. All Cochrane member institutions and authors commit to the highest level of scientific rigor in their undertakings and must adhere to rigourous standards for membership and publication in the Cochrane Library.
Cochrane contributors work together to produce credible and accessible health information that is free from commercial sponsorship and other conflicts of interest. This is vital for the generation of authoritative and reliable information, working freely and unconstrained by commercial and financial interests. Cochrane science is used and recognized worldwide.
The US Network is made up of the Cochrane US West Associate Center; three Cochrane Review Groups producing systematic reviews in fertility regulation, neonatal health and urological conditions; three US satellites of Cochrane Review Groups focusing on eyes and vision, pregnancy and childbirth and musculoskeletal disease; one Field specializing in complementary medicine; and 15 Affiliate institutions, including:
- AcademyHealth
- American College of Physicians
- Central Michigan University
- Cornell University Division of Nutrition
- Mayo Clinic Evidence-based Practice Center
- Mississippi Centre of Evidence-Based Practice
- Penn Medicine Center for Evidence-based Practice
- RTI International – University of North Carolina Evidence-based Practice Center
- Texas Christian University School of Nursing
- The Ohio State University Evidence-based Practice Center
- The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center
- Tufts University - School of Medicine
- University of Chicago Medicine
- University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus
- University of Maryland School of Medicine
- U.S. GRADE Network
Map: Ana María Rojas-Gómez, DDS. Cochrane Year 2 Mentee